Six months ago today I last posted a blog. And I feel so different to how I did then.
8A*s, 2As, 1 Distinction and 1B I got in my GCSEs. I want to hug GCSE me and tell her that everything will be ok. I also want to congratulate her for not burning her GCSE Maths textbook in celebration, as As-Level me refers to it a lot more than she probably should.
I miss school. I really do. I miss gathering every break time with the same people. I miss the teachers and the relative ease in difficulty of work. I miss being home by 3:30, contrasted with 5:30. I miss feeling comfortable. I do enjoy college, don't get me wrong, but not on the magnitude that I did school. It's getting better; the first month was awful. I didn't understand the work. I couldn't answer the questions. I couldn't cope with the pace of teaching (using the term very loosely). We'll see.
I've got a job. In McDonald's. As stressful and monotonous as it can be, I do enjoy it. I feel part of a small community, one of which you can only truly understand if you're in it. I love the jargon. When I come home and tell my mum about my shift I start babbling on about holds, lobby keys and trash walks. She calls me McMegan. I quite like it. I appreciate how my current job has pushed me to study Medicine; I could never consider a career in McDonald's.
I have been to parties and have been with boys. That is an education in itself.
I would rate my happiness right now as 7 out of 10. Good, but could do better. Time slowing down would help.