So, ummmmm, welcome to my FIRST EVEEEEEEER blog! Who knows where this will lead? I hope there's a spellchecker on here, otherwise it could get a bit embarrassing...
I'll be sitting at my table in school, sulking, and wishing I was somewhere else in only 2 days! All you lucky people, going off to college. I have another 2 years of school! Plus, it's an important two years in school from now on (or so my teachers/parents say). GCSEs! Actually, what's there to worry about? I've already done one (it was only worth half a GCSE, but all the same). Don't mean to brag ... but ... I got an A! *smirks*
Where was I?
So, at the moment I want to become an Astronaut, Doctor, work in the media, or be a journalist when I'm older. Nice to have a variety of options isn't it? I've actually asked a REAL LIFE ASTRONAUT (I can't believe it either!) about doing what he does, and he said it's generally easier to be one if you're an American. Bummer. But didn't a British female go up to Space with the Russians? So, there's a glimmer of hope? Better start learning: Я никогда не буду иметь возможность выучить этот язык! = I am never going to be able to learn this language! ..... How long does it take to get an American Citizenship?
The end of my first blog is nigh. I have twitter by the way: @meganamy95. FOLLOW ME.
I need to stop rambling now, it's kinda boring. 'Til next time ....